Sunday, January 30, 2011


I've written a few times about my desire to rearrange my bedroom, and I finally did it! It looks lovely, if I do say so myself. But don't let my opinion sway you. See for yourself.

This was the original layout, with my loft bed on the right side of the door.

Now my bed is directly across from the door (in front of the window).

I added a little art corner and draped my paper chain on the wall! I love it.

And I finally found a way to post my lomographs without ruining them or putting them somewhere that I'm going to have to remove them from in 64 days! I Mod Podge'd them onto canvas. My favorite one is the pictures of this weekend's adventure with Francyne.
Such a fun day! Most of the pictures are washed out because it was too bright for my ISO 400 film.
What's funny is the pictures of snow and the sunny day (with us wearing shorts) were all taken the same week. Oklahoma weather is just totally bipolar.

This is of my Christmas/New Years roll.

This is a collection of some new ones and some from my first roll.
I liked the contrast.

I am so very excited about starting my job. The only thing that makes me sad about Tuesday is the weather people are saying to expect anywhere from 6 to 20 inches of snow. You read that correctly. Almost two feet of snow dumped on the OK state. I am not excited about the malevolent weather, but I am excited about getting paid for working. I don't mind being broke, but it's getting kind of old. So it'll be a nice change to actually have an income. Granted, it's not going to mean an immediate shopping spree, but I will invest in some cute work clothes before I start making huge student loan payments. Because if you don't look good, you don't feel good. And being a host is all about first impressions. And I want to make the cutest first impressions possible. It's good for the business.

I started watching Lost Season 1 today. I am always game for a fantastic sci-fi show, and I've always heard great things about this series. But I watched 7 episodes today. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this kind of commitment to a series. I gave up on Heroes because it was getting so ridiculous. I felt like I was breaking up with Peter Petrelli when I stopped watching it. He developed woman-like mood swings and it was just way too much for me to handle. I need stability, and Peter wasn't providing it for me so I had to end things.

But Lost is quite a mystery, and I do love the complexities that are arising. A friend explained to me that there's a really amazing connection between all the characters, and that I should watch it if I ever get the chance. So Ellie, this is me embracing Lost. Because you said it was awesome.



  1. i've been rewatching Heroes, falling even more in love with it. While you're on netflix, you should watch some Mystery Science Theater 3k...
