Saturday, January 15, 2011

Painting and Sushi Date

My dear friend Sam and I are going to be artistic together today! She and I weren't friends in high school, but then we both dated the same crazy guy and bonded over the healing. It's amazing how God orchestrates beautiful friendships out of the most heartbreaking situations. As Kate Nash says "You can grow flowers from where dirt used to be," ("Merry Happy", Made of Bricks 2007).
So today, we're growing flowers. We're going to paint! I can't wait. Here are some inspiring images that may very well guide me in the direction of what I paint today.

That is all. I hope you're as excited as I to see what happens with all of these pretty little ideas swimming in my brain.



  1. Margot and the Nuclear So and So's/Vanilla Ice

  2. haha YES. Oh, Margot and the Nuclear So and So's. And Jonsi too.
