Sunday, February 13, 2011

Love is Like Pi

Love is like Pi- natural, irrational, and very important.

-Lisa Hoffman

Today has been a beautiful day. I had to work this morning, but it was a good shift. I love working in Owasso because I get to catch up with random people that I hardly ever see. I went to church this evening for the first time in weeks and it was wonderful. My life is going to be changing very soon for the better, and it was confirmed this evening. I can't say what just yet, but once it happens, you'll know.

Tonight we started an amazing video series on Marriage. It made me realize even more that I'm not ready for that kind of commitment. I started reading "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" yesterday, and I love it (despite Joshua Harris' out-dated terms, catch phrases and references to cassette tape players). What's ironic is I've had this book since I was 14. I've started it probably five times over the last seven years but I've never been truly committed to seeing it through to the end until now. I've learned my lesson the hard way with dating (which is how I have to learn most crucial lessons), so now I am more than willing to heed Mister Harris' advice on how dating is stupid. Because he's totally right. It's definitely not all that it's made out to be. (Da da tist).

 I am trying to change my approach toward the male species, and I think the only true way for me to do that is by aligning my heart and expectations of real love and marriage with the word of God. Life is always so unpredictable, and I'm still not ready to commit myself to someone else's problems because I'm trying to resolve my own. That way I can go into a courtship prepared (to the best of my ability) for whatever toils life will bring. The great thing about love though is I don't have to wait until marriage to love someone whole-heartedly and selflessly. I have been blessed with so many amazing people in my life that I cannot help but love them that way. I never realized how much I have to be thankful for until this season of solitude. But I am glad to have this experience because I know that I cannot take any relationship (family, platonic or otherwise) for granted. When I acknowledge all the wonderful things in my life that I did not earn, it brings on a contentment that cannot be put into words.

I am single as can be. But this is the first Valentine's Day that I am so thankful to be without a significant other. Because I know that it's this way for a reason. I hope that you have peace about the relationship situation you're in, whether you're married, dating or single. And if you're not, you're the only one that can change that. Seek wisdom. Open your eyes to see all the beauty around you. And find the peace that you need. It often comes in the quite moments. But if you look for it, you'll find it. I know it's true because I'm living it. 

1 comment:

  1. Kristen, i just love to read your blog, and the goings-on of your life. You are so awesome, and your life is incredible. You live it with no holds bar, you love God, and love life!! YOU ROCK!!
