Thursday, February 24, 2011

Long Boat Pass

Today was a really great day. Jack watched Super Mario Bros. Super Show (circa 1989) on Netflix this morning and I dozed off cuz this sleepyhead's alarm didn't go off... which makes that the third day this week that my alarm has shut itself off. (I even triple checked it last night to make sure it would go off. And of course it didn't go off, so I threw on my pajama jeans, a t-shirt and a beanie, and stomped my way down the stairs.) My dreams followed the dialogue of the show, which made for some very interesting dreams.

After that, we painted pictures. He painted Star Wars ships in green, yellow and red. I painted the couch that I fell asleep on. I've never painted something with so little thought. But, after the dreams that I had, I decided to paint the couch as an ode to my slumber. And it was nice.
The painting isn't as clean as I normally paint, but I was just trying to paint it how I felt about it, not necessarily how it looked.

All I can say is I love my jobs. I love pretending to be a mommy, playing outside, then leaving around the time that I get bored everyday. I love playing Wii Sports Resort and getting beat by a four year old at every game (but not really). I love working with the public and getting paid to smile at people and ask them how they're doing. I love helping servers and the atmosphere of cooperation that most everyone exudes. I love making friends, sweeping, being busy and actually having something to do every day. Even though my job may be insignificant to others, I feel like loving people in the way that I do might make a difference. And if it does for just one person, then my work is not in vain.

I love my job but I am ready to continue growing and working hard in a different environment. I know the Air Force will be very challenging because it's a lot of structure for such a free-spirited dryad. But it will all pay off in the end. I look forward to the journey of growth and personal reform, and tradition and family that I am about to become a part of. It will be beautiful. I am so ready. It's so close I can almost feel the electricity of being screamed at non-stop. 42 Days.

Sidenote: I am currently in love with the band Tennis. Their songs are so lovely, and I've had the song Long Boat Pass stuck in my head all day. Listen to it. It will make you feel happy inside. The singer's voice reminds me of a girly version of Buddy Holly. So cute.

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