Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jesus: Far More than a Felt Board Cut-out

I love people. I really, truly do. But there's this sacred part of my heart that I don't give to people. I used to always throw it at unsuspecting flavors of the week and my "bffl"s. However, I've learned that you simply cannot place your sacred heart in anything but Holy hands. People disappoint. But God has never let me down. Not once. The soft, beating thing in my chest cannot handle exposure to the sickness of this world. The only way I know how to protect it is by leaving it in God's care. By being in His word, loving like He loves me, and serving to glorify Him, my heart is protected. And only here can I love others fully.
I'm getting ready to leave for four years of adventure. And I absolutely cannot wait. But I am not looking forward to leaving those friends that have proven more faithful than family. But it's all part of the plan, the bigger picture. I am thrilled to continue growing in the Word, to know Jesus more intimately, and to share the pure joy of my salvation with whoever will listen.
I am in love with a King that willingly became a servant to all mankind for the sake of Love. My God humbled himself and came in the form of a helpless, vulnerable infant. He suffered and was tempted just like me. He put up with this crazy world so He could understand what we go through. He died a tortured, drawn-out, publicly humiliating death so we would not have to suffer an equal death for our screw-ups. And we are made whole through the blood that was generously poured onto the greedy ground of Calvary. We do not have to live in the rotting, carnal desire of our flesh because when He rose from the dead, we were given new life through Him. We've shed the dead weight, and we are made new! 2 Corinthians 5:17 says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone and the new has come!" Need I say more?