Sunday, March 13, 2011


On a completely different note from my last blog post, life is exciting, wonderful and as promising as it will ever be. Moving in with Teri is going to be a total blast. We both have off work for the next three days and, since it's spring break, we are obligation-free. I am so excited to have someone to be alone with, instead of just being alone on my own. We are going to bake together and I'm going to start cooking for us! I could not be more thrilled than I am right now. The sweetness of independence is on the tip of my tongue. I can't wait to swim in it.

Andrew and I have been seeing each other, which is funny how things work out. Our just-for-fun date has comfortably become a sweet little spring fling. He's a dear, and a jolly good time to be with. We dance fiercely together, I laugh at all his silly jokes and he holds my hand in front of his friends. I am very pleased with this arrangement, even if it's only temporary. It's still nice to spend time with a sweet friend and learn who they are. I love getting to know people, and understanding why they are the way they are. He's really interesting and I feel like I have a lot to learn from him, which makes talking to him easy.

We're pretty photogenic together (if I do say so myself), and I am looking forward to taking many more pictures with him on the adventures we will have together over the next three weeks.

I hope posting this picture doesn't make me creepy,
but I think it's pretty adorable. Cute boy.

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