Monday, July 18, 2011

Hello, New Mexico!

Well, The Air Force was going to send me to Yokota, Japan Air Base for the next three years for my first duty station. BUT some DBA made a change and I got word of it today. So now I'm going to be stationed at Cannon AFB in New Mexico. I'm glad to still be in the South, but I'm still completely in shock and a little disappointed. I'm thankful that I'll still be close to home, but it's still pretty unreal that I'm not going there at all anymore. I'll still be in the same country as everyone I know and love, which was my biggest disappointment about going overseas. And Westin and I are now only a 9-hour drive away from each other, instead of a 24-hour plane ride... and that's definitely a plus.

So, aside from the immediate disappointment of no longer going overseas, I'm very thankful to be close to my loved ones. The Lord knew what He was doing... which is great because I never have an effing clue. :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you aren't taking it too hard. There are always pluses and negatives to everything.
