Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lovely Day, Beauty Everywhere

I miss being overwhelmed by the beauty of people, nature, life and God. Some smells remind me of it. Sometimes the stars are so bright and the sky so clear that I feel the overwhelming joy of beauty flood my body.
But I miss feeling it everyday. I don't know why I thought joining the military would be a good idea for a free spirit like me. Uniforms suck. This base is fugly. Higher ups don't do their job and don't give us a budget but expect us to get our job done without two dimes to rub together.
Politics are a wreck right now and I don't have a choice to stay uninformed by the stupidity because it's my job to know what's going on.
And on top of all that nonsense, I'm pretty positive there's a seriously black mold problem in my building. I've been consistently I'll since I got here at the end of October. Oh Lord, deliver me from this mess that I'm in.

1 comment:

  1. Reading this makes me glad I didn't join :/ Sorry for you though...
