Monday, February 28, 2011


 I went on a date tonight. It was really enjoyable. I went out with a guy named Will that I work with at Chili's. He picked me up in his Dad's cherry red Shelby. I felt like a total rock star, which is always a good thing to experience on a first date, I think. It wasn't awkward like normal dates though and I owe that to his laid-back personality. The quiet moments weren't made into awkward pauses in conversation. They were comfortably quiet.
We hung out last night too, and I met his dog, Sammy, who was my competition for his attention. I didn't mind though. We watched a really interesting documentary on street artists and a cinematographer-turned-pop art-artist. It was cool and considerably more engaging than watching a movie in the theatre. 

This is a piece done by, Banksy, the street artist that
was featured in the documentary Will and I watched.

Banksy is a genius. Check him out.

Will is really easy-going and comfortable to hang out with. I'm really liking the fact that I have a bunch of new friends from working at Chili's. I would say "I could get used to this" but my count down is at 35 days right now. So, for the next 35 days, I wouldn't mind tonight happening again.

Much Love,

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