Thursday, July 28, 2011

Free Crappy Portraits and Other News

Back when I still had orders for Japan, I sent a picture of Westin and I to the wonderful people at Free Crappy Portraits and got this lovely little pdf in my email earlier this week. It's so stinkin adorable.

In other news, my Broadcast video production class has been insanely busy and demanding lately. But I finished editing my VOSOT (or Voice Over Sound On Tape) before lunch and it's not due until 4. So I've had all afternoon to do nothing, which is positively wonderful. I've been watching Taylor Swift music videos with my friend Jaye, listening to spoken-word poetry by Anis Mojgani, and catching up with friends on Facebook.
Last night, I was very sad and homesick for Teri and my family. Today, I'm listening to He is Legend, DJ Kool, and Stevie Wonder... and feeling nothing but subdued energy. I want to rip off my ABUs, kick off these horrid combat boots and dance like crazy. I haven't danced in far too long. I do believe the last time I really properly broke it down was April 2nd, my last Saturday in Tulsa. I went to Andrew's birthday party at The Estate with Teri and we cut a rug.
I love my friends here in Maryland, but they like drinking and sitting more than dancing... which is a problem when you love gettin' low like I do. Being surrounded by people that want different things than what I want is a big challenge, and is what makes me so homesick. I'm not looking to just hook up with someone and I don't want to be drunk every moment of my life. I'd rather do something educational and classy than get schmammered at the bowling alley or the mall every weekend. I've heard that alcoholism is a serious problem in the military and now I understand why. You take bored, homesick people, give them a big paycheck and nothing to do but either a) sit in their room alone and read, or b) be social and drink with everyone else.
It's not a problem for me, but I can already see how it effects people that I'm here at tech school with and it's sad. But there's no alternatives to a good time that I've been able to find that's cheap, nearby, and better. If you have any ideas on what to do on base instead of drink, please share!


Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I can't tell if I miss home because I miss home, or if I miss home because it represented a really chill time in my life. I desperately wish I could sew, paint, and sing along to my favorite songs with the windows open. I wish I had time to take pictures with my Diana. I wish I could sit with Teri on the windowsill drinking coffee and listening to Otis.

I'm growing up, and it's scary. I care for people that I may never see again. I miss people I know I'll never see again. I just wish I could go home for a weekend... but the life I've chosen isn't very kind or considerate when it comes to homesickness. But if you read this, please pause for a mo and pray for me. Pray that I can find home somewhere other than Oklahoma so it doesn't hurt as bad here in Maryland.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hello, New Mexico!

Well, The Air Force was going to send me to Yokota, Japan Air Base for the next three years for my first duty station. BUT some DBA made a change and I got word of it today. So now I'm going to be stationed at Cannon AFB in New Mexico. I'm glad to still be in the South, but I'm still completely in shock and a little disappointed. I'm thankful that I'll still be close to home, but it's still pretty unreal that I'm not going there at all anymore. I'll still be in the same country as everyone I know and love, which was my biggest disappointment about going overseas. And Westin and I are now only a 9-hour drive away from each other, instead of a 24-hour plane ride... and that's definitely a plus.

So, aside from the immediate disappointment of no longer going overseas, I'm very thankful to be close to my loved ones. The Lord knew what He was doing... which is great because I never have an effing clue. :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

This Is It

Good Monday Morning!
Today is a beautiful day. I am loved. I am secure in my future, because I know that God has prepared me for such a time as this. I was created wonderfully and destined for victory because my name is no longer Broken. I am a New Creation. Made new and beautifully in my imperfections, many they are.

I am strong.
I am prepared.
I am ready for success.
I am ready to give love.